AOSTE - 2015
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects


Participants : Liliana Cucu, Adriana Gogonel, Walid Talaboulma, Dorin Maxim, Cristian Maxim.

PROXIMA is a Integrated Project (IP) of the Seventh framework programme for research and technological development (FP7). The PROXIMA project provides industry ready software timing analysis using probabilistic analysis for many-core and multi-core critical real-time embedded systems and will enable cost-effective verification of software timing analysis including worst case execution time. Our technical results in this project are described in 7.13 .

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7 & H2020

ITEA3 Assume
  • Project title: Affordable Safe And Secure Mobility Evolution

  • Duration: Oct. 2015 - Sept. 2018

  • Coordinator: Daimler AG (Germany)

  • Other partners: Airbus, Thales, Safran, Ansys/Esterel Technologies, Kalray, Sagem, UPMC, ENS Ulm, Inria (France). AbsInt, BTC, FZI. Kalrsruhe IT, Kiel U. Offis, Bosch, TU Muenchen (Germany), NXP, Recore, VDL, Verum, TU Eindhoven, U. Twente (Netherlands), Arcelik, Ericsson, Ford, Havelsan, KocSistem, Unit, Koc University (Turkey), Arcticus, FindOut, Scania, KTH, Malardalen U. (Sweden)

  • Abstract: ASSUME aims at providing a seamless engineering methodology for affordable, safe multi-core development that allows industry to deliver new trustworthy functions at competitive prices. The project started on September 1st, 2015, and the kick-off meeting was held on October 1-2. The project coordinator is Daimler AG. The expected constributions of the Aoste team-project include the improvement of the Lopht tool, with the definition of a back-end targeting the Kalray MPPA256 many-core, and the proof of its scheduling algorithms.